Merivale School

(07) 578 6900 25 Kesteven Ave, Tauranga, 3112


Tēnā koutou,


Ko Rongomātāne ahau. Ko au te atua o te rangimārie me te kai whakatipu. I am Rongomātāne, Atua of Peace and Cultivated Food. My brother Tāwhirimātea was so angry when we separated our mum and dad that I decided to live with my mum Papatūānuku to hide from him.

Cultivated food is all food that is grown in the ground, I especially like kumara. It’s important to make sure we look after the gardens that we plant. To do this we need to make sure we provide water, shelter and pull out the weeds regularly. 

We need to nourish ourselves too, just like we nourish a garden. Sometimes I can be a people pleaser, saying yes to everything and I forget to look after myself. 

As the atua of peace and tranquility, I often feel happy. Being peaceful doesn’t mean that you have to be quiet to save the peace. It is okay to stand up for yourself or to say no but we must remember to do it in a respectful way. We don’t need to have all the answers or go with the flow just because everyone else is. We are allowed to have our own opinions and be comfortable with who we are and the choices we make.

                    Ko Rongomātāne, I am happy! 


                     I am what?                    I am happy!