Merivale School

(07) 578 6900 25 Kesteven Ave, Tauranga, 3112


Kia ora,


Ko Tāwhirimātea ahau. Ko au te atua o ngā hau me ngā āwhā. I am Tāwhirimātea, Atua of Weather. My tamariki are storms, wind, clouds, thunder and lightning. I did not want my parents Papatuanuku and Ranginui to be separated and I got very upset when my brothers decided to push them apart. After my parents were separated, I decided to live with my dad in the sky to keep him company.

I continue to show my anger by making wind and stormy weather. The weather as we know it is very unpredictable, in one day we can see sunshine, then feel big winds and then see the rain. It is because I am blind that the weather can be so unstable and change very quickly.

Our day can be like the weather sometimes. One moment we can be happy, then things can change and we start to feel a bit wobbly. When things are not going right, we all can feel unstable or unsure of what is going to happen. It is during these times that we need to find a friend to help us, someone that we can connect with and can help us to make a new plan so that we can start to feel a bit better. It is up to each of us to make a new plan to get ourselves back on track so that we can start to feel or do or understand things better.

Ko Tāwhirimātea, I find a friend. 


                  I find a what?              I find a friend.